Noah Macknicki: Soccer
Noah Macknicki has been competing in varsity soccer for all four years he has been at AHS.
Macknicki is the team captain of
the soccer team this year, leading
them to top three in the league so
Last year, Macknicki broke his
foot right before track season, which ended his season. However, this year he is back with vengeance.
Macknicki would love to continue playing soccer in college, whether it be on a college team or a travel league.
He is Ronaldo’s number-one
fan, miles ahead of Messi. He has
looked up to Ronaldo ever since he
started playing soccer.
Macknicki’s family has always
been there to support him when
times were rough due to injuries
and other issues, and that is what
makes him the amazing athlete
that he is today.
Pre-Game meal:
“Nothing, I don’t eat”
Pre-Game song:
“Dreams and Nightmares by
Meek Mill.”
Teammate known the longest:
“Izaiah Grosveld, through
playing soccer with him.”