Eighteen German exchange students arrived in Humboldt County on September 25th to spend two weeks at Arcata High and experience the Humboldt lifestyle. They are a part of a cultural exchange with Peine that started in 2003.
The German teacher at Arcata High, Carolyn Bareilles also known as Frau B, is enthusiastic to sponsor these German students.
“Exchange programs bring the language alive and really makes us world citizens,” Bareilles said.
She is especially thankful that the Germans get to experience Arcata High in the spirited time of Homecoming.
“They are super excited [and] they will be walking the homecoming parade,” Frau B said.
Numerous students from German classes each took in a German student to host in their homes.
Senior Owen Peterson is one of the students hosting a German student. He was paired with Lennox Fricke and has big plans for their time together. To welcome Fricke, he was “planning on cooking him a nice breakfast [to] break the ice a bit,” Owen said, and during his stay, he hoped to make time for some off-roading recreation as well.
Peterson volunteered to host because he wanted to learn more about Germany and possibly live in the country at some point in his life.
“I’m very interested in German culture,” Peterson said.
Fricke was also excited about the exchange because he wanted to experience school in another country, meet new people, and most of all understand the culture behind the “American Dream.”
In Germany, Fricke participates in a lot of athletic activities. “I run track, and in [terms of] social activities I do firefighting with people from my town,” Fricke said. He enjoys the connections he is able to build through firefighting and cherishes the good feeling that comes in helping the rest of his village out in times of need.
Senior Erika Homan is also having a fun time hosting a German student, Charly Hollerbach.
“I feel like the first night was definitely a little awkward, but after we had a nice dinner everyone was more comfortable,” Homan said.
Homan chose to host a German student for the opportunity to make friends and expand her horizons.
“It’s a really good experience for students to be able to go to different countries and fully immerse themselves. It can create lifelong friendships between people from different countries which can be really cool,” Homan said.
Homan hopes to build a meaningful connection with Hollerbach over their two-week stay. She wants to make sure to introduce her to all kinds of new foods. “I really want to take her to Toni’s because it is such a classic American thing,” Homan said. Homan additionally wants her to have the opportunity to try a burrito as well! Other than eating good food, Homan is planning on taking her on some outdoor adventures as well.
Homan and Hollerbach both love horseback riding, and since Erika has several lovely horses, the two of them are hoping to go on rides together during her stay.
Despite being only being here for two days when interviewed, she knows she wants to return in the future.
“I will definitely come back,” she said.