Are you or your family looking for a new pet? The “Adopt, Don’t Shop” campaign encourages people to adopt from shelters and rescues that prioritize all animals’ well-being instead of buying from breeders. At Companion Animal Foundation, founder Kim Class prioritizes pets’ health, happiness, and safety.
“I want to feel good about taking care of these little animals, and I would not feel good if they did not get the things that they deserve,” Kim Class said.
Class has prioritized keeping up with all the animals’ needs. She vaccinates animals for rabies, as well as other diseases, like heartworm. More in-depth care includes x-rays, dental work, ear cleaning, and long-term grooming. Some shelters even go the extra mile to throw birthday parties for their animal residents.
“There is just some basic care that we all deserve as humans and that animals deserve as well,” Class said. “I wouldn’t say that we’re better than anywhere else; I just say we do what an animal needs and we feel really proud when we adopt from Companion Animal Foundation.”
Companion Animal Foundation has had an all-time low number of animals with only one cat and three dogs.

Before buying from a breeder, do your research first. Consider whether they are a humane breeder, “giving animals the absolute best they can, or [if they are] just in it for the money.”
By checking out your local shelter first, you may discover an unexpected bond. When people choose their pets based solely on looks, “really beautiful animals end up being not wanted,” Class said. At a shelter, you have the opportunity to see which animals pick you.
“I’m not here to judge people; I’m just here to offer beautiful animals that are available and that need adoption,” Class said.
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