If you haven’t noticed yet, a new infestation has overtaken the phones of many high schoolers. AHS students, already glued to their phones, now have a new source of entertainment beyond just TikTok or Instagram: Block Blast. Although the game launched in late 2022, it only started to gain massive attraction in late 2024, especially from teenagers. There’s nothing extraordinarily amusing about this game, it’s like any other Tetris game that gained popularity overnight.

Junior Arianna McLeod has been playing since the beginning of the year and spends an average of 1 hour a day on the game. Her highest score is sixty-six thousand eight hundred and seventy-five.
“It’s just like a fun way to pass the time. When I’m bored and don’t have anything to do, it’s just kind of addicting. It can definitely be time-consuming,” McLeod said.
Junior Gianni Orlandi has been playing for about a month and spends an average of thirty minutes on the game each sit down. His highest score is twenty-nine thousand three hundred and eleven.

“The game is appealing to me because of its pretty shapes and colors. The game is very addicting, but not so much for me,” Orlandi said.
Sophomore Josephine Johnson has been playing for about a year and spends an average of 2 hours a day; her highest score is three hundred and fifty thousand.
“My addiction is so bad that I had to delete it. Teachers always yelled at me about it when I played in class, but I recently redownloaded it again.
Despite the downsides of the game, it’s a great way to make friends and have an element of competition.
Johnson agrees, saying, “I think the game is here to stay, and I really hope so because it’s a great game, and I honestly made friends by playing it. It’s just so engaging because a lot of other people are also into it, and you try to get the higher score to beat your friends.”