First dates can be awkward, especially in high school. Many of us have had the experience of going to lunch with a crush and finding ourselves at a loss for what to talk about. Lucky for you, we have curated a list of questions that could send sparks flying. This set of questions is thoughtful and diverse, with the potential to create interesting and meaningful conversations about topics that may otherwise not come up. The questions start lightheartedly and become increasingly deep, so feel free to skip around questions and answer whatever you feel comfortable with. Whether you’re answering these questions with your best friend or the love of your life, have fun!
Do you think you could survive a zombie apocalypse? Where would you go to survive?
Do you sing in the shower? If so, what songs?
What is your favorite movie genre?
If you had to name a dog/cat right now, what would you name it?
If you found out you were participating in the Olympics tomorrow, what sport would you least like to compete in?
Do you prefer to wake up early or stay up late?
What did you always want as a kid, but never got?
What’s a hobby you are interested in but just haven’t tried?
If you could choose to live at any time, when would you live?
If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Do you ever feel like the weather affects your mood? If so, which type affects it most?
What would 5-year-old you think of your life now?
What do you do when you can’t fall asleep at night?
What is your favorite physical characteristic about yourself?
Do you think you’ll dress like you do now as an adult?
Where do you see yourself living in the future?
What is your guilty pleasure?
If you could wake up tomorrow and play any instrument, what would you choose?
If you were to become an animal, which animal would you want to become?
When you look in a mirror what’s the first thing you think?
If money wasn’t a factor, what would your career be?
Do you have a specific meal that brings you a lot of comfort and nostalgia?
Everyone has a story they originally thought was embarrassing, but now think is funny, what is yours?
Do you believe in destiny?
What is something you wish you didn’t know?
What is your biggest fear?
What is the first thing you look for in a new friend?
What is one accomplishment you’ve made so far that you think you will be proud of for the rest of your life?
How would you describe your dream home?
Do you have a sneaking suspicion of how you’ll die?
What is something you wish was more socially acceptable?
Think of someone who is not in your life anymore, what’s one thing you regret never saying to them?
What is the most important relationship in your life?
When you die, how do you want the people around you to remember you?
Do you think society is continuing in a sustainable, responsible way? What would you change?
Did you have fun answering these questions together?