Do students get enough sleep during the school week? While students aim to get eight hours of sleep per night, as is recommended, this doesn’t always happen. To get eight hours while maintaining good attendance, students have to go to bed around 10:00 or 11:00 and wake up between 6:00 and 7:00. But, sports, homework, and procrastination often interrupt this goal.
Question – What is your sleep schedule like and how many hours of sleep do you get during the school week?
Ava Tempelare, senior: “Well during the school week, there has been a significant drop since summer as can be assumed. But, usually like five or six hours because I have to get up early for orchestra.”
Dylan Scofield, sophomore: “At the beginning of the year, it was maybe like 12:00 to 6:45. But, I have tried to fix it so now it is like around 10:00 or so, and waking up around 6:00.”
Twilight Sherman, senior: “I try to get into my bed at 10:30 and I will try to fall asleep around 11 or 11:30, and I wake up at 7:28. Sometimes I wake up really tired and sometimes I wake up really rested, I think it depends on the quality of my sleep.”
Dylan Dickerson, senior: “My sleep schedule is going to bed really late and waking up really early, I generally get around three or four hours. I don’t think it is good but it is how I live I guess. During weekends I generally get more sleep because I sleep later but I still stay up late. But, it is because of school because I finish my homework late and then I am stressed out.”
Piper Bjorkstedt, senior: “I get five to eight hours of sleep probably, in that range. I am a procrastinator, so I will go to bed at like 10:00 two nights in a row and then go to bed at 3:00 the next night. So, it really depends. But, it balances out throughout the week to average out to a decent amount of sleep.
Colbie Collins, freshman: “From like 10:00 to 7:00 usually, so that is about nine hours. But, sometimes later because I do sports. I think I would sleep more if it wasn’t for sports and school. I am often really tired during the day. But, it isn’t that bad.”