Shea Lyons
An example of a gift to oneself.
If there is one thing that I would prescribe to you for Valentine’s Day, it would be to take a long shower and get cozy in a robe or your favorite pajamas. Then, grab your favorite treat (a pint of ice cream, maybe) and sit down in front of your favorite TV show for a few hours of laughs and a good recharge.
Valentine’s Day is a celebration of all types of love, not just those that are romantic. Self-love is one way that we can slow down and find some appreciation for ourselves in the bustle of everyday life. If you are in a relationship, take the day for yourself. Do the things that truly make you happy, whether that be with or without your partner. If you are single, self-love is all the more important, so don’t forget to carve some time out of the day just for you.
One of the most common forms of self-love is self-care. People can show themselves this type of love by taking a nap, taking a long bath, or getting a massage.
Senior Madison Trieu’s approach to self-love may not seem as relaxing as some of these options, but it works for her regardless. “I like going to Samoa because no one is there and just running along the beach,” Trieu said. “And when I get back to where my car is, I go and run into the ocean. It feels really good.”
Another form of self-love is indulging in the things that make you happy, such as eating your favorite meal, reading in bed with fuzzy socks on, or watching a few episodes of your favorite show after a long day.
Sophomore Julia Brands allows herself to enjoy similar pleasures for her own well-being. “I do art, it makes me very calm,” Brands said. “I hang out with my friends too. It makes me happy. I also really like lasagna, pasta, and [Yerba Mate’s].”
Anything that will bring joy into your day is worth going the extra mile for. Go out to a fancy dinner and treat yourself to whatever catches your eye. Buy that bag of heart-shaped chocolates at the grocery store. Write yourself a letter of gratitude listing all of the things about yourself that you appreciate. Get yourself those LEGO flowers you’ve had your eye on for a centerpiece.
Self-love is often the one crucial type of love that is overlooked when Valentine’s Day rolls around. Remember that you are important too, even while searching for ways to show your companions how much they truly mean to you.